In Little Loom Weaving (Ulysses Press, 2017) by Andreia Gomes, she utilizes her background as an interior designer to teach unique techniques on weaving for those just starting out and for those who have been weaving for years. Her book has everything you need to create trendy and timeless woven pieces on a small, portable loom.
This project is pretty simple and quick to make. I remember when I was in school, I made a woven coaster using fabric leftovers in art classes. I was twelve years old. I’m sure everyone can make this project and I think it is a fun project to make with your kids.
• Weaving loom
• Cotton warp yarn
• Cardboard spacer
• Tapestry needle
• Beater or weaving comb
• Scissors
Finished piece: 4 x 4 inches (10 x 10 centimeters)
Difficulty level: Beginner
1. Warp your loom with a thick cotton yarn. The warping width will be approximately 4-1/2 inches wide. Start weaving about 1 inch (approximately 2 centimeters) from the bottom of the loom. Use a piece of cardboard if you need to help keep your weaving in place while working.
2. Start your first row bypassing the multicolored yarn under and over in a tabby weave. Finish your first row and leave a 3 inch (7-1/2 centimeter) tail on it. On the second row, work in an opposite pattern from the first row. If you went under the last warp thread on the first row, you must now start by going over the first warp thread on the second row.

3. Change to your white yarn and continue this alternate pattern until you have completed seven rows of tabby weave. Don’t pull your yarn too much on the end of the rows, or you will affect the structure of your piece. After each row, push your yarn down with the help of your beater or weaving comb.

4. Next, use the aqua blue yarn and weave three rows using the same technique as before. End your yarn in the beginning of the fourth row.

5. Use the multicolored yarn again, and start where you ended the last thread. Weave fourteen rows using that same yarn.
6. Change to the aqua blue yarn and do three rows of tabby weave followed by seven rows of the white yarn. Finish with two rows of the multicolored yarn. You should end up with a symmetrical pattern.

7. Once you finished your coaster, take it off the loom, cutting your warps on the top and bottom of your loom. Leave the ends long.

8. Join the strings in pairs of two, making a double knot on each end. In this project, you don’t have to weave in the warp ends on the back of your tapestry; the ends will work as a fringe and become part of the final piece.

9. You have made a beautiful coaster to use every day when you drink your coffee or tea.

More from Little Loom Weaving:
This excerpt is reprinted with permission from Little Loom Weaving by Andreia Gomes, published by Ulysses Press, 2017.