Decorating your table with natural items from the garden, woods or yard is easy. This lovely centerpiece from You’re So Invited by Cheryl Najafi is made from a simple head of cabbage—make one yourself or use this project as inspiration for your own natural décor.
Purple cabbage
Sharp paring knife
Shallow bowl
1. Wash cabbage well.
2. Peel off any layers that look tired or worn.
3. Slice a piece off the bottom so that the cabbage sits flat in a bowl of water.
Variation: You can also make a vase for flowers such as sweet pea: Simply cut a square hole in the top of the cabbage, tuck a piece of floral foam inside, and pour water on top to saturate. Then stick flowers inside (cut stems at a sharp angle so they pierce the foam).
Easy Outdoor Entertaining
When it comes to outdoor enjoyment, a laid-back attitude is paramount. Experiment with creating an eclectic
aesthetic using mismatched china, silverware and serving dishes. Najafi offers a few tips for making a varied outdoor mix feel cohesive:
? Pair solids with patterns: Keep one color consistent for cohesion.
? Go for a variety of shapes: Square and oval trivets can break up the roundness of dinner plates and bowls.
? Vary textures: Think shiny glass on a rough wood table, or polished silver on nubby napkins.
? Connect with the earth: Make low-key decorations with items from nature. Tuck fragrant herbs into napkin rings, put sculptural branches in a vase or slide large leaves under clear dinner plates.