DIY Recycled, Wooden Compost Bin

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For the back of the compost bin, slide the salvaged wood into the slats created on each side.
For the back of the compost bin, slide the salvaged wood into the slats created on each side.
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Building details for the wooden compost bin that will supplement your garden soil all season.
Building details for the wooden compost bin that will supplement your garden soil all season.
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In "The Country Almanac for Housekeeping Techniques," Richard Freudenberger and the editors of "BackHome Magazine" have collected hundreds of formulas for effective cleaning, gardening and home maintenance — as well as ways that our ancestors saved on heating bills, prevented costly repairs and maintained a cozy, charming home with little besides ingenuity.

Recent studies show that modern commercial household cleaners are causing serious health issues for individuals and their families. The Country Almanac of Housekeeping Techniques That Save You Money (Fair Winds Press, 2012) by Richard Freudenberger and the editors of Back Home Magazine shows you how to keep a clean and healthy home for just pennies a day. Using a collection of formula for effective cleaning, gardening and home maintenance. Don’t just clean your household, get the longest life out of every item. The following excerpt describes how to make a DIY wooden compost bin from salvaged materials.

Build a Simple, Wooden Compost Bin

Cost savings
Between $55 and $169 compared to store-bought, depending on design and manufacturer

Easily assembled from salvaged materials, and can be sized to suit your needs

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