Country Lore: Reuse Paint Thinner

By Doug Sloane
Published on December 23, 2008
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To reuse paint thinner, just let it sit in its container a few days.
To reuse paint thinner, just let it sit in its container a few days.
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To reuse paint thinner, just let it sit in its container a few days.
To reuse paint thinner, just let it sit in its container a few days.

I’m a repair man and use a lot of oil-based paint. To save money, I recycle my paint thinner. Here’s how to do it.

After cleaning the pan, pail, and brushes, pour the used paint thinner into a new container. Let it sit for a few days. The solids will settle to the bottom, and the thinner on top will be clear and ready to reuse.

Doug Sloane
St. Joseph, LA

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