Nifty Tote Bag Made From a Feed Bag

Reader Contribution by Robin Mather
Published on June 5, 2012
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I loved this easy-sew tote bag made from a durable plasticized chicken feed bag, and had to share the link with you.

You’ll find step-by-step directions, with helpful photos, here: DIY CHICKEN FEED SACK TOTE on the Community Chickens pages from Mother Earth News and Grit magazine.

Poster Rebecca Nickols has made these totes from other kinds of feed bags, too, including a very handsome one from a bag of wild-bird seed.

As she says, “One less feed sack to throw in the trash and several less plastic grocery bags you’ll be tempted to use. If you’re anything like me, the hardest part about using reusable shopping bags is remembering to pack them in the car. This bag is big, bright and a visible reminder to grab this tote before going to the market! It might also help you remember to feed the chickens!”

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