How to Build Live Rodent Traps

By Barry Dordahl
Published on July 1, 1984
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Build this trap to catch and relocate live rodents.
Build this trap to catch and relocate live rodents.
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Live rodent trap diagram.
Live rodent trap diagram.

You say there’s a weasel dining on your chickens? A raccoon’s growing fat on the eggs? Squirrels are gnawing through your roof, rabbits are eating all the lettuce from your garden, and a porcupine is sharpening its teeth on your truck’s tires? And because of all that your thoughts are growing ever darker … you have murder in your heart … but, when it comes right down to it, you just can’t bear to hurt the pesky rascals?

Well, you’d better get off dead center and do something.

You might try running about your place at odd hours of the night, wearing a flowing white nightie and banging on a pie pan with a hammer. Or perhaps you should take up playing the flute and Pied Piper the furry rustlers over yon far hill.

Or you might want to live trap the bothersome little dears and release them miles away (say, for instance, near the home of the president of your local utility company).

But you’ve seen live rodent traps advertised, and you know they’re expensive. You can’t afford one? All right. I’ll show you how to build your own for nothing (or maybe for $5, depending on the health of your scrap pile). It’ll take only a few hours to whop together.

Step One: Build a Box 

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