In a previous issue, we told you about the absolutely incredible hydraulic log splitter that the fellows down at MOTHER EARTH NEWS’ research center had designed and built. However, since we were anxious to conserve space (in order to get as many different stories in the issue as we could) and because we wanted to give the maximum possible exposure to the exploded view drawing (as that illustration would be of utmost importance to any shade-tree mechanics who’d want to build the device), we weren’t able to include as many photos of the splitter as we would have liked. In particular, we were sorry not to show you (as well as tell you) just how the timber-cleaver functions in each of its different “modes.”
So–because all of us here at MOTHER EARTH NEWS are pretty proud of this particular project–we’ve decided to give you a second look at the super-splitter. And the best way to do that is to let you see just what the machine can do in all of its separate applications! As the accompanying photos illustrate, Mom’s chopper can split wood [1] while it’s still attached to the sturdy wheeled chassis (a feature which allows you to tow the tool to whatever woodlot or splitting location you’d like) … or [2] separated from the towable assembly (so you don’t have to lift any huge logs up onto the splitting unit, and so the machine can be moved as far as 40 feet back into the woods, letting you carry out pre-split “sticks” rather than solid backbreaking monster rounds)… and [3] hooked up to a tractor that has a three-point hitch and hydraulics (an option that can reduce the cost of our do-it-yourself project to less than $250!).
There you have it. If the accompanying photos whet your appetite for a tool that can make splitting your own wood supply a snap–or even set you up in the lucrative firewood business–just pick up a copy of MOTHER EARTH NEWS (or–if you’d prefer the added assistance provided by step-by-step instructions, illustrations, and “bonus” tips for constructing multiple-blade heads and getting the most use out of your materials–order a set of MOTHER’S plans) and get a-buildin’!