Kids can quilt! In Get Quilting with Angela and Cloe (C&T Publishing, 2015), best-selling author Angela Walters and her daughter Cloe, join forces to teach preteens and teens the basics of quiltmaking. The dynamic mother-daughter duo guides kids step by step through making their very first quilt. Readers will tackle 14 projects to keep or give as gifts, including stylish bedroom decor, such as pillow covers, rugs, and T-shirt quilts.
Rag Quilt
If you want to make a super soft quilt, this flannel quilt is for you. The frayed edges of the quilt blocks add to the cuddly look. Each block is quilted before the quilt is put together. This means you can get to the best part faster: using the quilt.
Purple print:
Cut 21 strips 5 inches x width of fabric; subcut into 168 squares 5 x 5 inches.
Coordinating flannels:
Cut 6 strips 5 inches x width of fabric from each of 4 fabrics; subcut into 42 squares 5 x 5 inches (total of 168 squares from all 4 coordinating flannels).
Cut 168 squares 4 x 4 inches.
Making the Quilt
Making the Square Units
1. For each unit, use 2 squares of the same color. Place 1 colored square wrong side up, center the batting on the colored square, and then place the other colored square right side up on top, aligned exactly with the first colored square. Pin.
2. Mark a diagonal line from corner to corner using a water-soluble marker and ruler. If you prefer, you could just eyeball it. Sew on the diagonal. If you have a walking foot for your machine, you can use it to make the piecing easier.
3. Repeat Step 2 for the other diagonal to form an “X” on the block. Don’t worry if your “X” isn’t perfect. These stitches serve as the quilting, so they will hold the layers together just fine.
4. Repeat Steps 1-3 to make quilted units out of all the 5-inch colored flannel squares. Make sure to use the same color on the front and back of each block.
Sewing the Units Together to Make the Blocks
1. Lay out 2 purple print blocks and 2 random-color blocks, as shown.
2. Sew the 2 purple print units along one edge using a 1/2-inch seam.
3. Do the same with the other 2 squares.

4. Sew the 2 pairs together to make the block. Open the seams as you sew across the intersections (don’t press to one side). Make sure the previously sewn seams are facing out.
5. Repeat Steps 1 – 4 until you have a total of 42 blocks.
Putting the Quilt Together
1. Arrange the blocks in rows.
2. Sew the blocks together in rows.
3. Then sew the rows together to make the quilt top.
4. Sew around the quilt 1/2-inch from the edge.

1. Use scissors to carefully make small cuts into each seam. These cuts help create the fluffy texture along the seams. Be careful not to cut into the sewing lines!
2. Wash the quilt and enjoy the frayed goodness.
For more from Get Quilting with Angela and Cloe try:
• Tie Quilting: How to Tie a Quilt
Reprinted with permission from Get Quilting with Angela and Cloe by Angela and Cloe Walters and published by C&T Publishing, 2015.