How to Make a Pine Needle Hand Broom, with DIY Video

Reader Contribution by Fala Burnette and Wolf Branch Homestead
Published on December 9, 2019
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YouTube video

Brooms can be made from a variety of material such as broomcorn sorghum, straw, and plastic. Ones that are full-sized help us keep the home clean and tidy, but what about the often overlooked hand brooms? These miniature brooms help us clean small messes, such as ash around the fireplace or sawdust on the tabletop in a workshop. A dual-purpose hand broom can be made easily from collected Pine needles, that can not only be functional, but decorative as well!

We enjoy making our hand brooms for holiday decor, with fragrantly fresh green needles pairing well with the Christmas season, and dried brown needles being the perfect color for Fall and Thanksgiving. Keep in mind, green needle hand brooms kept indoors will dry out and shrink after about 2 to 3 weeks, losing their coloring. Dried needles will be your best bet for a functional hand broom. Use caution, and keep your brooms away from any heat source, such as a heater, fireplace, or wood stove.

It takes only three things to make these hand brooms: pine needles, scissors, and twine. Alternating the color of your twine to your liking for a personal touch is a great idea, but for this example I have used a basic tan jute twine made from natural fibers.

Step 1: Collection

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