How to Make a Pallet Garden

Reader Contribution by Monica Sharrock
Published on July 13, 2020
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Photo by Pixabay/lillybeet

With spring amongst us, I, like most of you, am excited to tackle a few new gardening projects. After searching the web for innovative ideas, I came across a nifty one that makes use of a simple pallet. My husband and his family operate bulk oil and gas companies in our local and have an abundance of these useful objects. This has no doubt onset my slight obsession with pallet recycling. If you need help sourcing a pallet, check out a similar establishment in your area or a grocery/gardening store.

Watch Create a Vertical Pallet Garden, a video tutorial by Andrew Martin, to learn how to create your very own pallet garden!

YouTube video

For spring, I could see doing a porch herb garden with this or some nice lettuces. It’d be wonderful to step out your front door to gather edibles for cooking. If you tackle this fun project over the weekend, be sure to let me know how it turns out.

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