Hardwood Lumber

By Interview Troy Griepentrog
Published on August 14, 2009
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Burr Oak is one of the White Oak species group.

<p>Dan Cassens, professor of forestry and natural resources at Purdue University, has recently developed a CD to help woodworkers and sawyers better understand the characteristics of hardwoods. <a href=”https://secure.agriculture.purdue.edu/store/item.asp?item_number=CD-FNR-406″ target=”_blank”>Lumber from Hardwood Trees</a> includes many “hard-to-find” facts about 35 species of hardwood lumber. Cassens based the information on 30 years of research and personal experience as the owner of a hardwood forest and operator of a Wood-Mizer sawmill.</p>
<em>People frequently say that locust and cedar trees produce decay-resistant hardwood lumber. What is the relative decay resistance of species such as Osage orange, locust, cedar, oak, black walnut and others?</em>

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