DIY Homestead Pantry Door for Under $20

Reader Contribution by Kerry W. Mann, Jr. and Homesteadhow
Published on February 26, 2021
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Our pantry is the heart of our homestead. Going on year five of homesteading, our pantry has seen its share of homemade canned goods from the garden rotate through. While our pantry serves a great purpose, it’s also a bit ugly. It’s tucked away at the end of our hall and hidden behind an old folding door. While looks don’t mean much to us, we do spend a ton of time at home and we enjoy investing in our home and improving it, because it only increases the overall value.

We’ve had our eye on one of those fancy glass pantry doors they sell at the home improvement stores, but with prices in the several hundreds of dollars, we just couldn’t justify purchasing one so we decided to make our own for under $20! Whether you want to make your own pantry door or not, we have a frugal tip that should help any homesteader.

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Our main tip is: Buy used and save the difference! We are a frugal bunch here and I would say our frugality has allowed us to purchase our dream homestead and live a relatively free lifestyle. One of our favorite thrift stores for homestead items is the Habitat Restore. If you are not familiar, think of a thrift store for home improvement projects. They have over 900 locations across the U.S. Restores recycle and salvage doors, cabinets, windows, tools, garden implements and so much more. The prices are often good (more on this below)  and per their website: Proceeds are used to help build strength, stability, self-reliance and shelter in local communities and around the world — a good deal for you, your community and the environment.

We’ve scored some amazing deals at the Habitat Restore over the years. But we’ve found the prices are hit or miss: some items are way overpriced while others are a steal. We’ve found doors and windows to be priced really low. On our homestead, we’ve got some amazing and unique windows mostly from the Habitat Restore. For example we have a really unique arched window in our homestead dog kennel which we bought for $9 from the Habitat Restore.

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