Creating a Homemade Tweed Red-Striped Rug

By Karen Tiede
Published on June 10, 2020
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Create this beautiful one-of-a-kind floor covering that will add a designers touch to any room.
Create this beautiful one-of-a-kind floor covering that will add a designers touch to any room.
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Pin two strips together aligning garter-stitch ridges. Join, using a modified mattress stitch. repeat until all of the stitches have been joined together.
Pin two strips together aligning garter-stitch ridges. Join, using a modified mattress stitch. repeat until all of the stitches have been joined together.
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Follow this plan to lay-out your design.
Follow this plan to lay-out your design.
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Knit 5 stripes using the colors and containing the number of stitches indicated in the table. Each stripe should be 32 garter-stitch ridges long.
Knit 5 stripes using the colors and containing the number of stitches indicated in the table. Each stripe should be 32 garter-stitch ridges long.
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"Knitting Fabric Rugs"(Storey Publishing, 2015) gives you directions for making 28 different rugs, with designs that use age-old motifs, including stripes and spirals; traditional quilt patterns, such as tessellations and log cabin designs; and free-form inventions.

In Knitting Fabric Rugs (Storey Publishing, 2015), Karen Tiede teaches that all you need to create an artistic floor covering is a cutting wheel and mat, a pair of size 10 knitting needles, fabric, and her innovative technique for creating stunning designs quickly and easily. In this excerpt your will learn to create a charming tweed rug that is sure to brighten any room.

You can do some amazing things with basic stripes when you plan color changes and control the number of rows. I knit this rug, Tweedy Stripes, in reds because the red stash was overflowing and I needed to reduce the volume. The strong reds of medium value used in Stripes #3 and #5 are an especially easy-to-collect shade of red. Because I wanted to use as much red as possible, I tied in tiny bits of accent colors, rather than blocks or stripes that would use a color other than red. The accent colors are similar in value to the stripe I knit them into. Each individual strip of accent color ranges from 12 inches to 20 inches long, to create variety in the size of the tweedy bits.

Because I knit to length rather than to a row count, the sections in the middle are a little too short. (The outside stripes have 34 garter-stitch ridges, while the inside stripes have only 32.) For a neater edge, instead of “knitting to fit,” count garter-stitch ridges so that all strips match more accurately in length. Laying pieces on top of each other to check length, particularly when one of the sections is still on the needle, does not give an accurate result. The directions below suggest counting garter-stitch ridges instead, so that your sections are the same length.

Project Overview

  • The fabrics used for this rug are predominantly a range of reds, with shades of pink, orange, yellow, blue, aqua, violet, and green (optional, to taste) as accents.
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