Converting a Refrigerator to a Cheese Cave

Reader Contribution by Kat Ludlam and Willow Creek Farm
Published on October 15, 2020
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When we first got started with our Milk Sheep, we were very excited about the cheesemaking possibilities with the milk. We knew that to make aged cheeses we would need a cheese cave. A cheese cave is a space that is used to store cheeses while they age. Most cheeses need to age at 50-55 degrees Fahrenheit, and 85% humidity for anywhere from one month to many months. Cheese caves can be as big as a room, or a closet, or something smaller. The size depends on how much space you need. After some research, we realized that the easiest and most cost-effective way to get one would be to make it with a dorm-sized mini refrigerator.

Supplies for a DIY Cheese Cave

Here’s what you’ll need:

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