Make a Pair of Berry Picking Pants

By Brent Mathson
Published on April 7, 2020
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After you've readied the jeans, place them—zipper side up—on your work surface, and squirt about one-quarter of a bottle of fabric cement on the front of each leg.
After you've readied the jeans, place them—zipper side up—on your work surface, and squirt about one-quarter of a bottle of fabric cement on the front of each leg.

You can make a pair of berry picking pants to beat the thorny problems that go with summer berry-picking for less than three dollars by following the instructions provided here. 

Make a Pair of Berry Picking Pants

In late summer and early autumn, giant succulent blackberries—suspended tantalizingly from thorny canes—lure me into the bristly thickets near my Wisconsin home. And at the end of each expedition I used to crawl out of the prickly patches, clutching both my hard-earned half-bucket of berries and two thorn-scarred legs that looked as if I’d meandered into the midst of an in-progress cat fight!

I first tried to thwart the bushes by donning three pairs of trousers to protect my vulnerable shins . . . but the weight and heat of those leggings proved to be almost as unbearable as the prickly thorns. Furthermore, the layers of clothing became particularly uncomfortable in the early morning dew . . . and I soon found that few things take the joy out of woods-roaming more thoroughly than creeping around in three pairs of soggy drawers.

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