Aquaponics: The Basics

Reader Contribution by Maryann Robinson
Published on January 7, 2021
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Photo by Adobestock/chartphoto

I recently decided to try my hand at aquaponics! I’ve been doing regular hydroponics for a little over 10 years, both as a hobby and a job. Hydroponics is the process of growing plants without the use of soil. Instead, you use an inert growing medium and special fertilizers made for hydroponic growth. Another hobby of mine over the last 7 years or so had been keeping tropical fish aquariums. I have a marine (salt water) tank at home and two fresh water tanks at my retail gardening store. So I thought to myself, why not combine the two hobbies? I started reading Aquaponic Gardening by Sylvia Bernstein, and it instantly hooked me. Now, when I get something in my head that I really want to do, I want it done right now. So, an hour later I had a basic DIY aquaponic set up built onto my existing aquarium.

Aquaponics is a type of hydroponic growing in which the fertlizer used is actually generated by the fish themselves with a little help from some beneficial bacteria. There is no need for additional fertilizer. Likewise, the plants then filter out the water by sucking the nutrients out of it and thus negating the need for weekly water changes on your fish tank — a perfect symbiotic relationship.

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