Antique Wood Stove Restoration

By Barry Dordahl
Published on September 1, 1979
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by Adobe Stock/Scott Bufkin

When it comes to antique wood stove restoration, Bill Eckert is the master. Learn how to restore antique wood cookstoves, and possibly turn a profit in the process.

The antique wood stove and heater — exquisitely restored to its original elegance–is making a comeback both as a tool to cook vittles or heat a house and as an investment whose value has run well ahead of inflation.

Unfortunately, all this new-found popularity has caused the price of such refurbished stoves to go plumb through the roof. Or so I thought until Bill Eckert (owner of Friendly Fire, Inc. in Fort Collins, Colorado) explained how just about anyone could own a fine antique without paying a collector’s price. The secret? Find a grizzled old timber toaster in need of a friend, and restore it yourself!

But what if you don’t know a thing about stove restoration? Well hang on, because with Bill’s expert help, I’m about to tell you. All you’ll need to “play along” are a few common hand tools, some inexpensive supplies, a good electric drill with rotary wire brushes, and–of course–a stove.

Where to Find Those Oldies

Any town that’s over 50 years old probably has an abundance of used stoves just rusting away and waiting for someone to claim them. The reason is an all-too-common one: “When cheap gas and oil became available,” says Bill, “wood stoves were carted out to the yard and abandoned.” One of the best ways to find these “experienced” wood-burners is to run a want ad in the paper of a likely burg. Or simply hop in your buggy and go for a drive. I’ve spotted “oldies” just by roaming around, and in each case the owner was delighted to sell. Try antique dealers, too. They very often have–or know of–old stoves for sale. (And since the demand for reconditioned models is so high, dealers might pay you to do restoration for them!) With a little effort, you should find all the projects you’ll ever want right close to home.

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