Permaculture Gardening for Everyone Welcome to Permaculture Gardening For Everyone! We believe that anyone can grow a garden from seed to harvest and that includes YOU! Whether you’re a veteran grower or are growing for the first time, we’re here to get you started right away with growing microgreens!
  • 6 videos


Permaculture Gardening for Everyone
1. Sprouting Microgreens at Home
Start your own nutrient-dense sprouts any time of year to provide yourself and your family with a high volume of nutritious greens even in small spaces. This video pairs with Nicky Schauder's upcoming book, Permaculture Gardening for Everyone.
Nicky and Dave Schauder
Nicky and Dave Schauder Permaculture Gardens
Permaculture Gardening for Everyone
2. Designing Your Garden
Design your garden from the ground up with these tips from Nicky Schauder. She lays out the steps for scouting the perfect garden position, including considerations for water and topography.
Nicky and Dave Schauder
Nicky and Dave Schauder Permaculture Gardens
Permaculture Gardening for Everyone
3. DIY Seed Starting
You don't need special equipment to start your own seedlings at home. Learn how to start seeds in small spaces and when to tell when those seeds are ready to transplant into your garden outside.
Nicky and Dave Schauder
Nicky and Dave Schauder Permaculture Gardens
Permaculture Gardening for Everyone
4. How to Build a Lasagna Garden Bed
Put a garden down over grass or weeds with the lasagna method of soil building. This simple method uses recycled materials and compost to build beds that provide adequate nutrition to plants at low cost to you.
Nicky and Dave Schauder
Nicky and Dave Schauder Permaculture Gardens
Permaculture Gardening for Everyone
5. Transplanting Seedlings
Transplant your seedlings with minimal losses with these simple tips. Learn when and how to move your seedlings out into the garden and how to give them the best chance to thrive.
Nicky and Dave Schauder
Nicky and Dave Schauder Permaculture Gardens
Permaculture Gardening for Everyone
6. When to Harvest From Your Garden
How do you know when plants are ready to pick? Can you harvest more than once from the same plant? Get some tips on how to determine when and how to harvest different types of plants from your home garden for optimal yield and potential subsequent harvests.
Nicky and Dave Schauder
Nicky and Dave Schauder Permaculture Gardens