Tom P. Vick Biography

By Staff
Updated on June 11, 2013
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Name: Tom P. Vick, Founder of Natural Health Advisory Institute, LLC

Occupation: Natural health expert and Founder of Natural Health Advisory Institute currently University Health News one of the country’s leading providers of validated, scientifically backed natural health information.

Place of Residence: near Dallas, Texas

About Tom Vick: Tom’s interest in natural health began 33 years ago when his move to Dallas, Texas, caused such sinus and allergy congestion he would frequently have to quit talking on the phone until his head cleared. After reading in the “Mailbag” section of Prevention magazine about the success a woman had with similar symptoms using just Vitamin B5 — pantothenic acid — he decided there was nothing to lose in giving it a try. This possible solution was inexpensive and had no side effects. For five weeks of daily use, the B5 provided no noticeable change; and Tom was about to quit. But he decided to finish the bottle and within two weeks his sinus congestion was completely gone – and has never come back!

Tom has had a passion for natural, non-drug healing ever since. But there is so much confusion regarding which remedies work and which do not – which are safe and which are not – so Tom began a self-education process that involved hours of study reading doctor reports and the science-based literature. He concluded that almost all chronic health conditions can be safely resolved with natural, non-drug health strategies if only a person would just know what strategies to implement. His passion grew from solving his own health challenges with natural strategies to wanting to help others learn how to do the exact same. When the opportunity came in 2007 to start his own business, there wasn’t much question about what the mission of that business would be. In the ensuing years, Natural Health Advisory Institute came into being! Now Tom spends full time researching, writing, editing blog content of other team members and running the business side of the business.

Natural Treatment for Dementia Project: Tom’s mother died in late 2011 with Alzheimer’s disease. The last two years she never called him by name. He understands how this disease robs the victim of their dignity in the final years of their life. The emotional, physical and financial burden it can place on the supporting family is devastating. Therefore, he has taken an immense interest in trying to identify and then help his readers learn specific scientifically backed strategies that are effective in preventing or even reversing this dreaded condition.

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