Sherry Leverich Tucker – Biographies – MOTHER EARTH NEWS

By Staff
Updated on March 5, 2013
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Sherry Leverich Tucker

Sherry Leverich Tucker was raised on a working dairy farm on the Western edge of the Ozark Mountains.  Growing up on a farm with two older brothers and two resourceful and self-reliant parents taught Sherry about hard work, skills you can’t learn from books, and that if there is a will, there is a way.   

College and life moved Sherry to a lot of different locations before once again settling in the Ozarks.  This is when she realized just how country her heart was.  Now, as an adult, she is living on the farm where she grew up in hopes of sharing this way of life with her children.  Sherry lives with her husband, Daniel, and their three sons whom she homeschools.   

Sherry and her mom grow fruits and vegetables to sell at farmer’s markets together from spring to fall, cultivating everything they love to grow and eat.  They use the same garden plot as
when she was a child, and both of them love growing new things and trying different gardening techniques.  Though the farm is no longer a dairy, there is a variety of livestock to be found.  On any given morning Sherry can be seen walking through their small beef herd, making sure all the momma cows are healthy and baby calves are growing.  She finds enjoyment in all farm chores, from using her dad’s old John Deere tractors for tilling or brush hogging, to growing out pigs so they can enjoy farm fresh pork. She takes pleasure in spending time with the family, who keep her constantly on the go, and is kept busy with her part-time business decorating cakes.  She also loves reading, and handcrafts such as crochet, tatting and sewing. 

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