Mike McArthy, Ozarks Photographer and Writer

By Staff
Updated on March 5, 2013
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 Mike McArthy, Telling the Story of Missouri and Arkansas’ Mountain Country

Occupation:Photographer and writer, documenting historic grist mills and Ozarks scenery

Place of Residence:St. Charles, Missouri

Background and Personal History: Mike McArthy of Photozarks grew up and attended school in Illinois, then moved to Missouri after college. He has been exploring, studying, photographing and writing about the Ozarks region for more than 20 years. A nationally published freelance photographer and writer, Mike has hundreds of thousands of photos of the region — from waterfalls and wildlife to rustic architecture — to his credit. His book,Historic Ozarks Millstakes the reader on a tour of more than 25 old grist mills that still exist in the Ozarks region and includes full-color photos, histories, folklore and other stories, locations and a map.

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