Nicole Wilkey, Small-scale Pastured Meat Farmer
Name: Nicole Wilkey
Occupation: Farmer and stay-at-home mom
Place of Residence: Placerville, California
Background: A former employee of “Corporate America” turned small-scale farmer, Nicole’s education includes a Bachelors Degree in Physiology and Kinesiology, which she very much uses today in her animal husbandry practices. On a quest to carve out a simpler, healthy lifestyle for her family of three, Nicole decided to leave her corporate job in the field of medicine and start a homestead adventure in 2015. Through trial and error, lots of research and reading, and perseverance, she and her family have created a thriving and self-sufficient farm growing as much food as they can.
Current Projects: Throughout the year Nicole has raised heritage-breed meat pigs on pasture,pastured-meat chickens, ducks and turkeys. She also pasture raises egg-laying chickens and ducks and is expecting their first litter of Juliana pigs (aka “mini pigs”) in May 2018 from a breeding boar and sow. Nigerian Dwarfs are her goats of choice, and they are each bred once a year for bouncing baby kids and milked daily. That delicious raw milk becomes cheese, and she also runs a small goat’s milk soap and lotion business that you can find on her Etsy page.
Connect with Nicole at Flicker Farm here:
Photo by Littles & Lace Photography