Lindsay Williamson, Homemaker, Beekeeper and Traditional Bread Baker
Name: Lindsay Williamson
Occupation: Lindsay is a stay at home mom and natural beekeeper who enjoys baking with traditional methods, cooking, gardening, fermenting foods, home brewing and her backyard flock of chickens.
Place of Residence: Piedmont region of North Carolina
Background: Lindsay was born and grew up just outside of Dallas, Texas and lived in New York for four years where she worked in restaurants and taught horseback riding. She worked at an eco-tourism resort in St. John USVI during the summer of 2002 and managed to dodge three month of the cold New York winter in Argentina and Uruguay in 2004.
Lindsay has learned much from the places she’s traveled to and the wonderful people she’s had the good fortune of spending time with. She doesn’t travel nearly as much now that she’s a mom to two amazing boys but Lindsay finds that they are her biggest inspiration for continuing to learn and explore in her daily life. With her sons’ arrivals came a new perspective on the importance of trying to live as naturally and sustainably as possible.
Current Projects: Baking with ancient einkorn wheat using traditional sprouting and sourdough methods; Keeping bees in three different hive designs (langstroth, warre and top bar); Teaching a new local course on an introduction to keeping bees in three different hives; The family garden (a constant work in progress); Preserving foods using traditional fermentation methods; Brewing beer, kombucha, and soon ginger ale, trying to find out exactly how to use chickens to help control the small hive beetles that plague beehives in the southeast and perfecting her methods of making homemade, fermented and sprouted chicken feed.