Puyallup Speaker Spotlight: Scott Davis, Microhydro Energy Expert

Reader Contribution by Erica Binns
Published on May 16, 2011
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Meet Scott Davis, microhydro energy expert.

What are you going to speak about at the MOTHER EARTH NEWS FAIR?

I have long had the ambition to make a microhydro documentary and this is my audition piece, I would think.

I am going to speak about generating electricity with small water powered alternators or microhydro at the Mitsubishi Stage.

What are you most looking forward to sharing with FAIR attendees?

I am sharing my view on how to use the two books I have written on the topic. Creating your own power system teaches many important lessons, of value to everyone. These lessons include dispelling myths about renewable energy and learning to differentiate between energy waste and energy scarcity. There will be many examples of people getting a high standard of living from renewables, both from efficiency and from the abundance of energy available from renewable sources, but especially from waterpower.

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