Harnessing Solar Energy Power

By Steve Heckeroth
Published on December 1, 2007
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Harnessing solar energy power. Solar is a promising source of future energy supplies because not only is it clean, it’s remarkably abundant.
Harnessing solar energy power. Solar is a promising source of future energy supplies because not only is it clean, it’s remarkably abundant.
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Biofuels get a lot of good press, but supplies of fuel crops will never be as large as our solar energy resources. 
Biofuels get a lot of good press, but supplies of fuel crops will never be as large as our solar energy resources. 
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Most of the electricity in the United States comes from coal, but burning coal produces a lot of pollution, including carbon dioxide, mercury and sulfur emissions. 
Most of the electricity in the United States comes from coal, but burning coal produces a lot of pollution, including carbon dioxide, mercury and sulfur emissions. 
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In the United States, most oil is used for transportation. Dwindling world oil supplies already have many people worried about future prices.
In the United States, most oil is used for transportation. Dwindling world oil supplies already have many people worried about future prices.
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Wind power is a clean-burning source of electricity, and has the potential to meet many of our future energy needs.
Wind power is a clean-burning source of electricity, and has the potential to meet many of our future energy needs.
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The popularity of hybrid electric cars is an encouraging sign that there are practical, appealing solutions to the problem of how to use less energy.
The popularity of hybrid electric cars is an encouraging sign that there are practical, appealing solutions to the problem of how to use less energy.
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At current rates of consumption, world oil supplies are only projected to last for another 40 years. 
At current rates of consumption, world oil supplies are only projected to last for another 40 years. 
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World supplies of solar energy are virtually inexhaustible, and can be tapped using current technology. Will solar power lead us to a brighter future?
World supplies of solar energy are virtually inexhaustible, and can be tapped using current technology. Will solar power lead us to a brighter future?
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Left: Annual global renewable energy resources, 725 million terrawatt hours. Right: Total global non-renewable energy resources, 10.8 million terrawatt hours. See the Image Gallery, click on the image for a larger sized version with specific energy resource numbers.
Left: Annual global renewable energy resources, 725 million terrawatt hours. Right: Total global non-renewable energy resources, 10.8 million terrawatt hours. See the Image Gallery, click on the image for a larger sized version with specific energy resource numbers.
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With building-integrated photovoltaics, homes and offices can actually produce more energy than they consume.
With building-integrated photovoltaics, homes and offices can actually produce more energy than they consume.

It’s time for harnessing solar energy power from the world’s virtually inexhaustible supply and start building a brighter future. If we act now, we can use renewable energy resources to replace our fossil fuel based economy and cure our addiction to oil, stabilize the climate and maintain our standard of living, all at the same time.

Harnessing Solar Energy Power

We know that relying on coal, oil and natural gas threatens our future with toxic pollution, global climate change and social unrest caused by diminishing fuel supplies. Instead of relying on unsustainable fossil fuels, we must transform our economy and learn to thrive on the planet’s abundant supply of renewable energy.

I have been studying our energy options for more than 30 years, and I am absolutely convinced that our best and easiest option is solar energy, which is virtually inexhaustable. Most importantly, if we choose solar we don’t have to wait for a new technology to save us. We already have the technology and energy resources we need to build a sustainable, solar-electric economy that can cure our addiction to oil, stabilize the climate and maintain our standard of living, all at the same time. It is well past time to start seriously harnessing solar energy.

Fossil-fueled Problems

Before you read on, take a moment to study the two corresponding pie charts, which compare the Earth’s estimated total reserves of non-renewable energy resources with the annual renewable energy options. You’ll see that the potential of solar energy dwarfs all other options, renewable or otherwise. To understand why a solar-electric economy is our best option, let’s look at the energy resources we currently depend on and compare them with the solar energy available to us.

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