Mother Earth Living Freelance Writer/Query Submission Guidelines

By Staff
Published on January 23, 2013

Mother Earth Living tests all of our potential article topics with a group of online readers called our Editorial Advisory Group. We welcome queries at all times on topics suitable for any time of year. As we receive queries, we file them for future testing with our Editorial Advisory Group. If a topic scores well with this group, we contact the writer who pitched it to work out further details before potentially assigning the article. We conduct surveys with our Editorial Advisory Group every three to six months, so please note that your pitch will be tested in the survey we conduct in the months following your submission.

Query Format:

Please direct all queries to Provide a brief pitch of your article—a two- to three-sentence summary of the topic you wish to cover, the main points of the article, the approximate length and any formatting ideas you may have.

Contracts and Payments:

Once we determine we have interest in publishing your article, the assigning editor will contact you to discuss length, deadline and payment. When an agreement has been reached, you will receive a Mother Earth Living freelance contract by email detailing the assignment. Mother Earth Living buys non-exclusive first North American and reprint rights. Payment is upon publication. Please return the contract at your earliest convenience. After submission of the article, please submit an invoice to your assigning editor.

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