Leak-proof Your House and Save

By Charles Higginson
Published on February 23, 2007
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Image by MrsBrown from Pixabay

A house can lose a lot of heat (or cool air) through small cracks and openings. The first step to leak-proofing your home is making sure the big wall penetrations (doors and windows) seal tightly, with effective weatherstripping. But most houses have dozens of small potential air leaks besides these big ones. How do you find these leaks, and how do you stop them?

A brochure provided by Energy Star can help you find and seal leaks in your house. This brochure shows how to:

1. Find and seal hidden attic and basement air leaks;
2. Determine if your attic insulation is adequate, and add more if necessary;
3. Make sure your improvements are done safely and result in a healthier home;

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