Introducing Deltec Homes (Video)
Deltec Homes has built wind-resistant houses with beautiful, open floor plans for over 30 years.
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According to Tony Richardson, Deltec Consultant, one of the key features of a Deltec Home is that it can be constructed very quickly. Within six to eight days it is possible to have the basic structure framed in and shingles on the roof. Another attractive feature of Deltec Homes is the spacious and open floor plan. The unique design of a round home allows for the entire main level of a home to be completely open. Interior walls serve as partitions only and are not load-bearing. Despite this open floor plan, Deltec Homes are very weather-resistant. Richardson states that Deltec has been building homes in the Bahamas for more than 30 years where they frequently encounter hurricane conditions and “they’ve never had a house knocked down.” Other people enjoy the novelty of living in a round home. Kimberly Purvis, a Deltec owner in Lawrence, Kansas says “We’d lived in little boxes our whole life, it was time for something different. I like it!”
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