Using Attached Sunspaces in Passive Solar Design

By Dan Chiras
Published on April 14, 2014
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Fig. 4-6: Attached sunspaces are an easy way to retrofit a home for passive solar, although they often don’t perform well. This all-glass attached sunspace must be covered during the late spring, summer, and fall to prevent overheating. All-glass attached sunspaces also tend to lose lots of heat at night and therefore must be isolated from living spaces by doors.
Fig. 4-6: Attached sunspaces are an easy way to retrofit a home for passive solar, although they often don’t perform well. This all-glass attached sunspace must be covered during the late spring, summer, and fall to prevent overheating. All-glass attached sunspaces also tend to lose lots of heat at night and therefore must be isolated from living spaces by doors.
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Fig. 4-4: (c) Isolated gain attached sunspace.
Fig. 4-4: (c) Isolated gain attached sunspace.
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Fig. 4-7: This mass wall in the attached sunspace I designed for my previous home heats up during the day and radiates heat into the adjoining room at night.
Fig. 4-7: This mass wall in the attached sunspace I designed for my previous home heats up during the day and radiates heat into the adjoining room at night.
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Fig. 4-8: Solar cookers like this one can be used to bake cookies or bread, or make a variety of one-pot meals. You can build your own cooker inexpensively by using aluminum foil, glass, and a cardboard or wooden box.
Fig. 4-8: Solar cookers like this one can be used to bake cookies or bread, or make a variety of one-pot meals. You can build your own cooker inexpensively by using aluminum foil, glass, and a cardboard or wooden box.
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Fig. 4-9: (a) Tubular skylights allow light into a home, thus reducing daytime lighting and electrical demand. They lose much less heat than conventional skylights at night.
Fig. 4-9: (a) Tubular skylights allow light into a home, thus reducing daytime lighting and electrical demand. They lose much less heat than conventional skylights at night.
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Fig. 4-9: (b) Hallyway before installing tubular skylight.
Fig. 4-9: (b) Hallyway before installing tubular skylight.
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Fig. 4-9: (c) Hallway after installing tubular skylight.
Fig. 4-9: (c) Hallway after installing tubular skylight.
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“The Homeowner’s Guide to Renewable Energy,” by Dan Chiras, helps readers understand the sometimes confusing and broad array of renewable energy options available and presents the ways energy bills can be slashed while maintaining, or improving, the comfort of homes.
“The Homeowner’s Guide to Renewable Energy,” by Dan Chiras, helps readers understand the sometimes confusing and broad array of renewable energy options available and presents the ways energy bills can be slashed while maintaining, or improving, the comfort of homes.

Homeowners scramble to cut utility bills and find alternatives to fossil fuels as the prices of oil and natural gas continue to rise. The Homeowner’s Guide to Renewable Energy (New Society Publishers, 2011), by Dan Chiras, offers excellent ways to improve energy efficiency by making the switch from fossil fuels to clean, affordable, renewable energy. The following excerpt from “Free Heat” discusses the use of attached sunspaces in passive solar design.

You can purchase this book from the MOTHER EARTH NEWS store:The Homeowner’s Guide to Renewable Energy.

Types of Attached Sunspaces

The final option for passive solar design is the isolated gain system, more commonly referred to as the attached sunspace or solar greenhouse (Figure 4-4c). Attached sunspaces are passive solar heat collectors built onto the side of buildings. They are heated by the sun; the heat they generate is then transferred to adjoining rooms. Hence the term, isolated gain. (Heat is gained in an isolated space.)

Attached sunspaces are relatively easy to build onto many homes, provided there’s adequate solar exposure. All-glass attached sunspaces are available in kits, and there is no shortage of installers who can put one in for you. Unfortunately, this design is fraught with problems.

All-glass designs — that is, attached sunspaces with glass walls and glass roofs — tend to overheat in the summer and fall, causing severe discomfort in the home. They may even overheat in the winter. But isn’t this structure designed to collect heat and transfer it to the house in the winter?

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