Jill Elmers
Moon on the Meadow Farm, Lawrence Farmers MarketJill Elmers is a role-model for how to go for what you want, get older, change goals, and then go for that. With a degree in engineering and music, Jill landed a job designing sound reinforcement systems, and eventually became a partner with Avant Acoustics. But after 20 years, she’d had enough and quit – without another job lined up. Her leap into the unknown led her to working at Wakarusa Valley Farm and learning how to become a farmer. While she admits that the transition from a corporate desk job to an outdoors job was hard, she has no regrets. Jill now continues to consult with Avant, but her heart is in farming. She is now chair of the Lawrence Farmers Market, serves on the Food Policy Council, and works with Farm-to-School programs. Jill, and a handful of employees, take care of her farm Moon on the Meadow.