Holly Whitesides and Andy Bryant bought the land that would become Against the Grain in the spring of 2012. In the 2013 growing season, they were introduced to Biodynamic farming practices. Growing food that nurtures a whole human being, body, soul and spirit, has always been a shared passion for Holly.

The Biodynamic approach provides a framework of principles that guide the farm's growth and development in a holistic way. Holly has been farming full time since 2012, and in October of 2014, the farm welcomed Beatrice Lytton Bryant to the family. In the spring of 2015, Andy transitioned to farming full time, which has allowed the farm to grow by leaps and bounds. The farm welcomed two more family members, Corva Lucilla Bryant in April of 2018 and Linnea Marin in January 2021. They hope that their love of the farm and their passion for growing nutritious food comes through in the products that they offer their community.

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