Emma Biggs
Emma Biggs is a 14-year-old gardener and garden communicator. She raised more than 130 tomato varieties in her Toronto garden in 2019, gardening in containers, in straw bales on a driveway, in a neighbor’s yard, in wicking beds under a walnut tree, and on the garage roof. Her garden is the source of many of her stories, and it's the source of produce that she sells in her neighborhood. Emma gives talks at libraries, seed exchanges, garden clubs, and garden shows. She's the co-host of "The Garage Gardeners Radio Show" and co-host of kids gardening videos on the From Dirt to Dishes gardening channel on YouTube. She has a monthly blog on the Harrowsmith magazine website about growing tomatoes. Her latest book, Gardening with Emma, helps kids find the fun in gardening (and helps adults remember how much fun gardening is! ).