Bruce and Elaine Ingram live on 38 wooded rural acres in Botetourt County, Virginia where they partner in raising heritage Rhode Island Reds and in writing articles on gathering and preparing wild edibles and in managing their land. Elaine is responsible for the couple having solar panels and raised beds in their garden while Bruce manages their land for wildlife. Bruce has written over 2,800 magazine and web stories (plus 11 books) and Elaine has published several hundred stories. They often team up on writing projects such as their book Living the Locavore Lifestyle, which covers hunting, fishing, and foraging for food as well as raising chickens and heritage fruit trees, plus recipes on these topics. Bruce often writes about fishing, hunting, conservation, environmental issues, and improving wildlife habitat. Together the couple also write about living off the land, raising chickens, wild edible plants, and destination stories.. For more information on their books, reach out to them at the above email.

You can find links to their many contributions to Mother Earth News Magazine, and our sister publication Grit Magazine, above.

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