Pasta Starter Set: Mother Tested

Creativity in the kitchen with homemade artisan pasta

By Christine Stoner
Updated on October 19, 2023
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by Adobestock/Alvaro German Vilela
Creating pasta from scratch can be as easy as mixing flour, water, and eggs.

Making pasta at home doesn’t need to be hard. Learn how to make artisan pasta at home in a fun and easy way with the pasta starter set.

The art of pasta-making is a time-honored tradition. The chemistry and creativity can bring you together with your family as a fun pre-dinner activity, or it can be a solo activity that introduces freshness to your menu.

As a culinary novice, I found making pasta to be intimidating, not knowing where to begin or what to purchase. The Pasta Starter Set is perfect for the beginner pasta chef. The set comes complete with Marcato’s Original World-Famous Atlas 150 Pasta Machine, a pasta cutter, a hand crank, a clamp, complete instructions, and The Ultimate Pasta Machine Cookbook by Lucy Vaserfirer. The veteran cookbook author and cooking-school instructor Vaserfirer has assembled a vast collection of recipes for pastas and sauces in her first-class cookbook, along with terminology and tips for success.

It can be as simple as you want and as challenging as you dare. Creating pasta from scratch can be as easy as mixing flour, water, and eggs or you can get more complex with your ingredients by adding vegetables and spices. The options are limitless, and you control the appearance and taste. Making your own pasta is an exercise of creativity in the kitchen. Colored pastas can be mixed and cooked for visual appeal, and shape can be personalized depending on the sauce recipe. As with any new skill, practice makes perfect, and your results will improve the more you get a feel for the dough consistency and techniques. So sink your hands in! It’s as fun as playing with dough as a child, but with a delectable outcome.

Additionally, I gain peace of mind knowing I’m using healthier flours, eggs produced by my chickens, organic vegetables, and fresh ingredients to create sustenance at home. Skipping the dry store-bought products also means eliminating the preservatives and additives that come with them. It’s one more way to improve the wholesome nutrition I provide for myself and my family.

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