The Art of Open-Hearth Cooking

By The Mother Earth News Editor
Published on November 1, 1977
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Photo and Illustration by the MOTHER EARTH NEWS staff
Learn about roasting meats using these open-hearth cooking methods.

Learn about roasting meats in front of a blazing fire by using these open-hearth cooking methods.

“Roast meats aren’t what they used to be,” says author Karen Hess. “Until just a century ago, turkeys and squabs and hams and
other meats were roasted to golden-brown perfection in front of — not over — a blazing fire. Today, however, the art of
open-hearth cooking and roasting meat in this fashion has been almost totally forgotten.”

Let’s face it: Open-fire cookery is what most of us associate with hamburgers, hot dogs, and marshmallows . . . it’s not something we
take very seriously. Real cookery (or so we’ve come to believe) is done on the kitchen stove.

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