Escargot From Your Own Backyard

By Gail Damerow
Published on June 1, 1993
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Harvest snails in the early morning.
Harvest snails in the early morning.
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Lure snails with some bran placed beneath a tipped- over flower pot.
Lure snails with some bran placed beneath a tipped- over flower pot.
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Once you have collected your snails, they will need a source of water.
Once you have collected your snails, they will need a source of water.

After years of battling snails in my garden while
cooking up escargots purchased at a premium from a local
import shop, I finally got wise. As long as I was gathering
garden snails, why not harvest them for dinner? One bite
told me I was onto something: those fresh snails from my
garden, though smaller, tasted far superior to the pricey

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