Planting Daffodils for Fun and Profit

By Ron And Mary Ann Schanfish
Published on March 31, 2014
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Planting daffodils is easy, because they'll thrive anywhere without you having to prune, mulch, or weed them.
Planting daffodils is easy, because they'll thrive anywhere without you having to prune, mulch, or weed them.
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Daffodils are one of the easiest plants in the world to raise. They're naturally disease-resistant and don't appeal to hungry grazing animals.
Daffodils are one of the easiest plants in the world to raise. They're naturally disease-resistant and don't appeal to hungry grazing animals.

Planting daffodils not only beautifies your land, but — by establishing the perky flowering plants — might potentially provide yourself with both a spring and fall cash crop. The hardy flowers will thrive almost anywhere: in your yard, in Bossie’s pasture, in your woodlot, or along fence rows. What’s more, you won’t have to spray, prune, mulch, or weed the lovely harbingers of spring, and they naturalize themselves so quickly that — in just one year — it’ll look as though they’ve been a part of your landscape all along!

Easy Money

Daffodils have to be one of the easiest plants in the world to raise: They are resistant to diseases and natural parasites, and neither cows nor horses (nor even rodents!) will touch them.

Better yet, the original bulbs simply divide themselves in half each year, so where you plant one daffodil bulb this spring, a pair will bloom in 12 months. In order to keep this process going, you just remove one bulb and plant it elsewhere. It’s a simple procedure, but necessary because daffodils that are left undivided will not multiply as rapidly as will those that are separated, and may become so crowded that they stop reproducing.

And, of course, it’s the daffodils’ ability to multiply rapidly that will be the source of your income because you can find ready markets in the springtime (for the cheerful end-of-winter blossoms) and — after your crop is established — in the fall (for your surplus bulbs).

An Overwhelming Choice

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