Easy Tips for Starting Your Seeds Indoors

Reader Contribution by Mike Lieberman
Published on January 18, 2012
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Photo by Pixabay/Hans

One way to get a jumpstart on the growing season is to start growing your seeds indoors. For most of you it’s still cold outside. That doesn’t mean that you can’t get a headstart on getting your garden started for the new year. You’ll want to start your seeds indoors so that you can make the most out of your space when the weather finally starts getting nicer. There won’t be that wait for them to germinate. They’ll already be ready to put into your garden.This will help you get quicker to harvest when the season comes around.

Try simple tips to get those seeds started indoors:

  1. Starting your seeds. Nearly all of the packets available will tell you the time it will take for the seeds to sprout and germinate. The packets will also say when is the optimal time to put the plant outdoors. Pay attention to what it says for your area and start your seeds accordingly. I don’t think you’ll want to have sprouts and no place to put them.
  2. Where your seeds are coming from. Much like the food you buy, you’ll also want to know the source of where your seeds are coming from and how they were treated. Some seed companies that you can trust are SeedsNow, Botanical Interests and Baker Creek Seeds.
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