Colorful Compost: Top-Dressing with Juicer Pulp

Reader Contribution by Taylor Goggin
Published on October 29, 2020
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 Photo by Landscape for Life.

Composting is a beautiful representation of the cycle of life. Looking at your produce at its purest form; have you ever thought about the process of it getting to your kitchen table? Starting from the farmer, who placed the seed in the ground, the weeks it took to sprout, grow, and harvest. Then finally ending up in your hands. It’s time we reconnect with our food and understand this cycle of life we engage with every single day.

If you are an avid juicer, you know that with each juice you make a decent amount of pulp. To some, this pulp is garbage, waste, or simply has no use. The reality is quite contrary! Pulp from juicing is actually a colorful gold mine for your plants. Just sprinkling the pulp on the ground or around the garden bed will add a kick of nutrients.

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