6 Multi-use Flowers that Do Double Duty

Reader Contribution by Tina T. Ames
Published on June 15, 2018
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I love flowers of all shapes and sizes in my homestead. To make the most use of my land, I try to focus on flowers that can pull double duty. Not only are they beautiful to look at and great for the bees — these top six favorites do even more. You will want to use plants that have not been sprayed with pesticides. When picking from a live plant, leave a few leaves and flowers to keep it growing and producing more.

Sunflower. Especially the Monster Sunflower. At the end of the season, I dry the seeds for the birds to eat over the winter, or just place the whole dried head out for them. I use the dried large stalks/stems as either fire kindling or teepee structure to hold vine plants in the garden.

Lavender. Use the lovely purple flower buds for baking (don’t use too much or it will taste soapy), stuffing for sachets, or dried bouquets to hang for a beautiful air freshener. I use the wood sticks and stems in the fireplace for a beautiful scent — they have that wonderful lavender oil in those woody sticks and stems.

Marigolds. These beautiful little plants of orange and yellow pom pom flowers are great to border around your garden to keep away snakes, mice and rabbits because of the strong scent. I deadhead the spent flowers not only for seed saving next year but also to use the petals in papermaking. The petals give a wonderful texture and color to handmade paper sheets and also look great in seed balls.

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