Natural Beauty Routine and Lip Balm Recipe

Reader Contribution by Rosemary Hansen
Published on September 19, 2019
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Natural Beauty Products Should Be Ubiquitous

I used to be a makeup consultant when I was young and naïve. After a few years of selling products that I realized were full of toxic chemicals, I had an awakening. I couldn’t sell them anymore. I wanted to give the gift of confidence and natural beauty, not the gift of future cancer. So, I took a financial hit and threw all of my inventory away. And I started looking up every ingredient that was listed on beauty products. It was an education in complex-sounding ingredients, such as parabens, and I’m happy that more people have become wary of mainstream beauty products and their toxic ingredients. It’s not worth the risk of long-term health damage to have the latest beauty product on your skin. 

Glowing, Colorful Natural Look

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