Healing with Humor: Those Who Laugh, Last

By Michael Castleman
Published on December 5, 2008
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"Once you find the humor in a situation, you can survive it." — Bill Cosby

“Life is too serious to be taken too seriously.” — Joel Goodman

When Joel Goodman, a New York organizational consultant, learned that his father had a life-threatening aneurysm, he flew to Houston to be with him. Every morning, Goodman took a van from his hotel to the hospital. “The driver was a comedian,” Goodman recalls. “I was rigid with fear, but on the drive to the hospital, he told jokes. He made me laugh. For a few moments, I relaxed.”

When Allen Klein’s wife, Ellen, was dying of cancer, somehow, a copy of Playgirl magazine found its way to her hospital room. She asked her husband to tape the male nude centerfold to the wall.

“Someone might object,” Allen said.

“Well,” his wife replied, “Take a leaf from that plant and tape it over the genitals.”

The leaf worked for two days, but by day three it had begun to shrivel — and slowly revealed what it was supposed to conceal.”Whenever we glanced at that dried-up leaf, we laughed,” Klein recalls. “It made our troubles easier to bear.”

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