Using the juice of the aloe vera plant is a natural treatment for burns, treat burns with aloe vera by rubbing the juice on the burn for an hour.
I can’t believe everyone doesn’t know about my magic burn remedy. One day when my wife was resting in a recliner chair she spilled hot tea on her stomach. The burn was red as fire and after seeing a doctor he told her the scar would remain with her for life. When she got home she started to nib the juice from our aloe vera plant on the burn and kept it up for a week. Today the scar is 100% gone, we discovered the aloe vera plant is a natural treatment for burns. Now, every time we get a burn we run to the aloe vera plant on the piano and snip off a small piece and rub the juice on the burn and keep it moist for half an hour. The burning pain will go away almost right away. So I say invest in a small aloe vera plant. They need very little water, cost $5, and clipping off small chunks doesn’t seem to damage the plant.
S. Lenzi
Linden, MI