In Basket: May 2011

By The Herb Companion Staff
Published on March 23, 2011

Dear Herb Companion,

I FIXED UP the Pimento Cheese with Horseradish recipe and made grilled cheese sandwiches (from the cover of the March 2011 issue, pictured at left); my husband said it was the best grilled cheese sandwich he had ever had! I also made the Pear Crisps with Horseradish as a nice way to end the meal.

I even liked the gremolata that went with the Aromatic Red Wine Stew so well that I tried another version. I made the gremolata using cilantro as the herb and served it with chili. I didn’t know I would get so many great recipe ideas from this magazine, I thought I would just learn about growing herbs. What a nice surprise! I can hardly wait for spring to start up my herb garden again.

–Kathy Lareau, Dimondale, Michigan

YOUR CHICKEN AND Parsley Noodle Soup recipe from the January 2011 issue turned out delicious! We took a day and made a big bunch of the noodles and froze them so we could make the soup more quickly in the future. Thanks!

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