Mother Earth News August/September 2022 Table of Contents
Firsthand Reports: Battling Black Slugs
How gardeners in Southeast Alaska impede this plant-eating pest.
Garden with Less Water Using Wick Irrigation
Set up a system to water potted and in-ground plants with hands-free efficiency.
Nature Through a Lens
Timeless Terroir
Family bonds and traditional techniques produce off-grid almonds, olives, and herbs in the Spanish countryside.
Scrapple: Tasty Economy
The ultimate meat frugality begins at home, with trimmings and scraps.
Quick-Construct Emergency Shelters
Build short-term structures out of a few simple-to-carry materials.
Leaf Litter to the Rescue: Free Fertilizer from Your Backyard
A citizen-science project reveals “unbe-leaf-able” soil benefits from composted leaves and twigs.
Save Your Corn Silk
Once you’re done shucking, turn this edible leftover into a nutrient-rich tea or topping.
News from Mother
Leaning on the Basics
Dear Mother
Reader letters of inspiration, community, and more.
Green Gazette
The Plant: A Vertical Farm in Chicago Updates on a pork-processing plant turned into indoor vertical gardens, the latest avian flu strain, the FDA’s focus on drugs vs. food, and more.
Mother Tested: Clean and Green
Sustainable product swaps to protect your family and lessen your environmental footprint.
Hometown Hacks: DIY Rainwater Shower
Construct a simple, inexpensive shower that can function on or off the grid.
Country Lore
Reader tips on chokecherry jelly, using leaky hoses for drip irrigation, saving seeds, deterring deer by using cane, and more.
Ask Our Experts
Expert advice on marketing grass-fed beef, enjoying fall-harvested eggplant, and creating a root cellar in a box.
Photos from the Field
Reader-submitted photos.