How Many Hens to a Rooster?

Reader Contribution by Kirsten Lie-Nielsen
Updated on August 11, 2022
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by Adobe Stock/SE Viera Photo

Around this time of year, many of us find some of our spring chicks are starting to crow. Chickens hatch out 50-percent male and 50-percent female, so if you hatched your own chicks or ordered straight run, chances are good you have some roosters in the flock.

At first it is tempting to keep your roosters. Young roosters that have been brought up together usually do not start fighting right away, nor are their amateur attempts at crowing too loud or annoying. But come spring, the scene on the farm will often change.

How Many Hens to a Rooster?

Most farmers recommend 6-8 hens per rooster. This ratio is flexible depending on your rooster’s libido and size. Why do you need to worry about too many roosters? The first answer is fighting in the flock. A rooster’s mission in life is to protect and procreate, and they will see any other males as a threat to their ability to continue their bloodline. Roosters will fight each other to the death if necessary, and they will sacrifice themselves fighting off potential threats to their hens.

You may think that roosters only crow to greet the morning, but that is false. Roosters crow sun up to sun down, and if one guy is calling, the rest are certain to answer. For this reason, many towns and cities specifically outlaw roosters.

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