Compost Poisoning in Dogs

What causes tremors in dogs? An emergency room veterinary technician discusses compost poisoning in dogs and what to do if your dog ate compost.

By Amelia Eigerman
Updated on August 7, 2023
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by Amelia Eigerman
Keep your dogs safe from potentially dangerous mycotoxins by dog-proofing your compost bin.

What causes tremors in dogs? An emergency room veterinary technician discusses compost poisoning in dogs and what to do if your dog ate compost.

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Your dog ate compost, what should you do next?

Mycotoxicosis, often referred to as “mushroom toxicity” or “compost toxicity,” is more frequent in the veterinary emergency room than you might think. While any moldy or rotten foods can cause symptoms of these diseases, dog owners can often trace them to their dog’s visit to the compost bin within the past few hours. Luckily, there’s a lot you can do to make sure your dog is safe. Stay one step ahead of meddling noses by dog-proofing your compost bin, and you’ll never have to worry about coming home to a tremoring pup.

Mycotoxicosis: What Causes Tremors in Dogs?

Compost toxicity is caused by the byproducts of some molds. That’s why it’s usually not a good idea to eat bread that’s been molding on the counter for weeks. It’s also why dogs, with their less discerning palates, tend to get compost toxicity far more often than humans. Symptoms can include whole-body muscle tremors and weakness, vomiting, fever, seizures, and increased sensitivity or reactiveness. If you notice any unusual symptoms or behaviors in one of your animals, the safest first step is to call your veterinarian.

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