Moving Day(s): How We Moved into Our New Home, Plus a Few Tips

Reader Contribution by Jennifer Kongs
Published on October 29, 2015
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The Small Home, Big Decisionsseries follows Jennifer and her husband, Tyler, as they build a self-reliant homestead on a piece of country property in northeastern Kansas. The series will delve into questions that arise during their building process and the decisions they make along the way. The posts are a work in progress, written as their home-building adventure unfolds.

We have been living in our new country home for a little longer than a week. Despite the boxes, dust, routine changes and constantly feeling like we can’t relax until everything is “just so,” living on our property outside of town makes us both more satisfied than we could have ever known it would. The sunrise each morning over the hill, followed by later sitting on our back porch to watch the sunset display its full-horizon force over the valley below (see photo above), seem to be gifted moments created for us each day. We notice the birds flitting in the pasture pre-dawn, listen for the owls hooting back and forth as the day comes to a close, and are greeted often by deer standing guard on our driveway when we return from a day at work. That all sounds really lovely and relaxing, I know, but, honestly, those are only moments of wonder we have sprinkled into the hectic mix of moving and settling into a new place.

We are lucky enough to live close to supportive families and friends, so our move went as smoothly as anyone could ask. We spent about three hours physically moving items on both Saturday and Sunday, and had a total of about 60 willing hands. We had packed and organized our belongings beforehand into already used moving boxes that we’d saved from friends for a couple of months in anticipation. This made the move smooth, saved us a ton on buying boxes, and most of the boxes and items even ended up in the right rooms. A couple of additional friends and family members volunteered to bring food for the masses, so we “paid” our volunteer crew with sandwiches, brownies and ice-cold beer. We couldn’t be more grateful for how smoothly that part of the process went. For us, the day was, like, fun! I don’t think that’s a normal move-in day sentiment, so we must have done something right (or we just know the right people).

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