Living Off the Land in the Rockies

By Mary Jo Churchwell
Published on January 1, 1990
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This year marks the 20th anniversary of MOTHER EARTH NEWS. We think it appropriate to open the year with a success story that springs directly from the roots of our publication. Perhaps there aren’t many people who would want to duplicate the Churchwells’ great escape, but all of us, regardless of the level of our current commitment to country life, can find entertainment and inspiration in their story.

Once upon a time, we–like so many others–were trapped in a lifestyle that didn’t bring us pleasure. Worse yet, we were actively working at jobs we hated in order to finance our entrapment.

“Why can’t we use some of our weekend activities that do bring us fulfillment–hunting, gardening, carpentry–to build a home and live off the land in the nearby mountains?” said we to us. So we stopped dreaming and started scheming. The result? For the past four years, our family has been living off the land, under nature’s jurisdiction, in a remote setting high in the Idaho Rockies. Despite isolation, arctic cold, and snow that sometimes reaches our belt buckles, we are now self-sufficient, thriving, and happy.

The Beginning: Saving Up and Buying Property

Our grand plan was to first stockpile enough money to buy property and construct a cabin. After purchasing the land we would continue to work and save until our bank balance could earn sufficient interest to provide a small income–enough to handle low monthly living expenses as well as the larger items such as property taxes, truck repairs, and auto insurance. We intended to reach a point where we’d never have to work for salaries again.

For five grueling years we saved most of our paychecks. The fact that we were able to live on $300 a month during that period is an indication of the level of our commitment. When our finances gave us the go-ahead for the land, we visited the local realtor. He claimed to have just the place for us and pointed us in the general direction: “Go up from the highway on the Forest Service road for 15 miles. Watch the curves and straddle the ruts. Park your car at Sawmill Crick. Then follow the trail a mile to the realty sign. Good luck, and, oh, wear your snowshoes.”

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