Easy Hen Nesting Boxes

By Robert Gillette
Published on October 1, 2007
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Photo by Robert Gillette
Recycled kitty litter buckets make easy hen nesting boxes.

Recycled kitty litter buckets make easy hen nesting boxes for your poultry.

Easy Hen Nesting Boxes

My wife and I live on a small farm. We raise chickens organically and sell their eggs. We also have six cats, so we go through a lot of cat litter — we usually buy the 35 pound buckets. Needless to say, we are swamped with large yellow plastic pails. So, I came up with a unique solution to reuse them.

We usually have about seven hens laying at the same time, so we needed more nest boxes. I realized that the plastic pails were the perfect solution! They went up in minutes and the hens like the high snug sides! Every year we have a new batch of laying hens, so now we always have enough nest boxes. They are a snap to clean, also!

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